Understanding Natural Hair Texture And How To Improve It

When you hear someone talking about hair texture they are talking about the width of your individual hair strands. You could also call this the circumference.  There are three different types of hair texture:


Coarse hair texture is the thickest of all, the strands will have all three layers. That means it has a cortex, medulla, and cuticle. This type of hair is generally the strongest and is resistant to damage, even by heat. Having coarse hair means you will have full, thick hair. In general coarse hair is darker.


Medium hair has just two of the three layers. This is actually the most common type of hair and is the easiest to work with. In other words, it is easy to make it look fuller or style it.


Fine hair has the thinnest diameter and is the easiest to break. Blonds often have fine hair and it can be hard to build volume naturally. This also tends to be the oiliest and you will find people with fine hair have more head on their head as each strand is thinner.

Identifying Hair Texture

The easiest way to identify the texture of your hair is to remove one. Ideally, take one from your brush rather than pulling out healthy hair. You can then match it against a piece of thread.

If your hair is thinner than the thread you have fine hair, if it is thicker your hair is coarse. Of course, it is about the same as the thread then your hair is medium.

Improving Your Hair Texture

There are several ways of improving your hair texture. But, the best approach is simply to use a good hair product. While cheaper products tend to rely on harsh chemicals, high-quality hair products, such as the Purple shampoo range are designed to nurture your hair, reducing breakage and improving the texture.

You can also make sure you consume a healthy diet, which means plenty of protein, vitamins, and healthy fats. These will help your hair to build strength. A poor diet will result in a change of texture and an increased likelihood of hair breakage.

What Causes Your Hair Texture To Change?

There are several reasons why your hair texture may start to change. The most common issue is due to hormonal imbalances. This can be a result of medication, infection, or simply the aging process.

However, other things can cause an issue with your hair texture:


Whenever you are stressed your body releases cortisol and this reduces the production of other hormones, diverting your body’s resources to where it is needed the most. That means your hair isn’t getting the nutrient it needs and the texture will start to change.

Lack of Iron

Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. If you haven’t got enough iron your hair follicles won’t get the oxygen they need, weakening your hair and changing its texture.


Pregnancy encompasses both the above as hormones change drastically and pregnant women are often low in iron. The good news is this corrects itself after the pregnancy!